If you have a work problem or query, can get in touch with your UNISON workplace representative. Alternatively, you can ring UNISON direct on 0845 355 084
If you have a membership query, please contact us:
email: clacksunison@btconnect.com
Telephone: 01259 722282
Office address: 10 Bank Street, Alloa, FK10 1HP
Clackmannanshire Branch of UNISON is run by a branch committee and supported by skilled staff, locally, regionally and nationally.
Branch Secretary:
Kevin McIntyre – clacksunison@btconnect.com
Brenda Kelly
Chris Horne
David Wilson
Kevin Keane
Lawrence Hunter – lhunter@clacks.gov.uk
Kenny Wilson
Ruth Gibson
Elaine Dewar
Clark White
Robert Turner
Frank Jaffray
William Conroy
Elizabeth Dick
Mark Pollock
Retired Member Officer:
Isobel Smith – Contact through main Branch Office.
UNISON Regional Officer:
David O’Connor – Contact through main Branch Office.
Please Note – All members of Clackmannanshire UNISON branch can attend branch meetings, vote and stand in branch elections and get involved in our campaigns and activities.
We are always looking for people who feel they can contribute to the branch and help other members. This could be a regular commitment or just the occasional hour or so. We also provide training courses and support for our reps and officers.